Umimachi / 海町
1st edition with print
Koji Onaka
¥13,000 JPY
Photo book with print
*Choice between 3 different images
Print is attatched to the opposite page of colophon,
signed and numbered by artist
Each image is limited edition of 100
Print type : Silver gelatin print
*produced by Koji Onaka in his darkroom by hand
Print size : 8 x 11.2 cm
*signed by artist on verso
Published in 2011
ISBN 978-4-905052-19-7
This is the book recorded the landscapes of the quiet port town located Sanriku district in '91 -'93 during my journey.
On March 11,2011,all of a sudden,thease area were hit by "The Great Higashinihon Earthquakes".
Now those scene has became "lost scenery" since almost all the cities are disappeared by tsunamis.
Yasunori Hoki and I decided to turn them into book to leave thease beautiful scenery in history with people's memory.
エディション : 各100部
プリントタイプ : 銀塩プリント
プリントサイズ : 8 x 11.2 cm
プリントサイズ : 8 x 11.2 cm
Published in 2011
ISBN 978-4-908512-24-7
91年 - 93年に三陸地方(宮古、釜石、陸前高田、石巻、気仙沼、鮎川、小名浜)を旅した際、港町の穏やかな日常の風景を記録したもの。残念ながら、これらの風景は東日本大震災でほとんど全てが消失してしまい、"失われし風景"となってしまった。我々はこの美しい情景を人々の記憶とともに、歴史に残すべく1冊の本にまとめた。