December 20, 2023
日頃より SUPER LABO STORE TOKYO をご愛顧いただき誠にありがとうございます。 年末年始の営業に関して下記の通りお知らせいたします。
2024年12月28日(土) – 2024年1月8日(火)
Notice of Year-End and New Year Business Hours
Thank you for your continued patronage of SUPER LABO STORE TOKYO.
Below are our year-end and New Year business hours.
Year-end and New Year holidays
Closed from December 28, 2024 till January 8, 2025
December 18, 2024
NEW BOOK Somewhere Sometimes in Japan by Herbie Yamaguchi
SUPER LABO proud to announce the release of our new book Somewhere Sometimes in Japan by Herbie Yamaguchi
Soft cover
Limited edition of 1000
The book will be released on January 18.
The signed Photo-Card will be enclosed with the book for the customer who purchased at our online store by January 18.
Now available for pre-order at here.
新刊「Somewhere Sometimes in Japan」by ハービー・山口
スーパーラボはハービー・山口の新刊「Somewhere Sometimes in Japan」を発売します。
2nd edition
December 16, 2024
NEW BOOK BIKE PATH (2nd edition) by Arto Saari
SUPER LABO proud to announce the release of our new book BIKE PATH 2nd edition by Arto Saari
Hard cover
2nd edition
The book will be released on January 22.
Customers who pre-order by January 22 will receive a folded poster inserted in the book as a benefit.
Now available for pre-order at here.
新刊「BIKE PATH 2nd edition」by Arto Saari
スーパーラボはArto Saariの新刊「BIKE PATH (2nd edition)」を発売します。
2nd edition
November 3, 2024
NEW BOOK Oh, You by Chad Moore
SUPER LABO proud to announce the release of our new book Oh, You by Chad Moore
Hard cover
First edition
The book will be released on November 22.
The signed Photo-Card will be enclosed with the book for the customer who purchased at our online store by November 22.
Now available for pre-order at here.
新刊「Oh, You」by Chad Moore
スーパーラボはChad Mooreの新刊「Oh, You」を発売します。
October 14, 2024
NEW BOOK 0081 by Moni Haworth + Lotta Volkova
SUPER LABO proud to announce the release of our new book 0081 by Moni Haworth & Lotta Volkova
Hard cover
First edition
The book will be released on November 9.
Customers who pre-order from our online store by November 9th will receive a book cover that can be unfolded to make a poster as
Now available for pre-order at here.
新刊「0081」by Moni Haworth + Lotta Volkova
スーパーラボはMoni Haworth + Lotta Volkovaの新刊「0081」を発売します。
事前予約にて購入されたお客様は、特典として広げるとポスターになるブックカバー付きでお届けいたします。(ご予約期間 11月9日まで)
September 20, 2024
SUPER LABO proud to announce the release of our new book OOKINI SEISHUN by Coco Capitán
Hard cover
First edition
The book will be released on October 1.
The signed Photo-Card will be enclosed with the book for the customer who purchased at our online store by October 1.
Now available for pre-order at here.
スーパーラボはCoco Capitánの新刊「OOKINI SEISHUN」を発売します。
September 1, 2024
SUPER LABO proud to announce the release of our new book BIKE PATH by Arto Saari.
Hard cover
First edition
The book will be released on September 18.
The signed Photo-Card will be enclosed with the book for the customer who purchased at our online store by September 21.
Now available for pre-order at here.
新刊「BIKE PATH 」by Arto Saari
スーパーラボはArto Saariの新刊「BIKE PATH」を発売します。
August 20, 2024
SUPER LABO will participate in ICP PHOTOBOOK FEST, which will be held from Friday,September 6th in New York. Bruce Gilden will be signing at SUPER LABO's booth during the fair. If you are in New York this time of year, please stop by SUPER LABO's booth.
We look forward to seeing you at the show.
84 Ludlow New York, NY 10002
SUPER LABOはNYで9月6日(金)から開催されるにICP PHOTOBOOK FEST,出展参加します。期間中はSUPER LABOのブースにてBruce Gildenのサイン会も予定しています。
この時期、NYに滞在されている方は是非、SUPER LABOのブースにお立ち寄りください。 会場で皆様にお会いできるのを楽しみにしています。
August 10, 2024
SUPER LABO proud to announce the release of our new book SOUVENIR SHOP by Bharat Sikka
Soft cover
First edition
The book will be released on August 24.
The signed Photo-Card will be enclosed with the book for the customer who purchased at our online store byAugust 24
Now available for pre-order at here.
新刊「SOUVENIR SHOP」by Bharat Sikka
スーパーラボはBharat Sikkaの新刊「SOUVENIR SHOP」を発売します。
Julyl 10, 2024
San Francisco Art Book Fair 2024
SUPER LABO will participate in SF Art Book Fair, which will be held from Thursday,July 18th in San Francisco. Ed Templeton will be signing at SUPER LABO's booth (D05) during the fair. If you are in San Francisco this time of year, please stop by SUPER LABO's booth.
We look forward to seeing you at the show.
1150 25th Street / 1275 Minesota Street / 1201 Minesota Street San Francisco CA 94107
Booth Number : D05
SUPER LABOはSFで7月18日(木)から開催されるSFABF(サンフランシスコアートブックフェア)に出展参加します。期間中はSUPER LABOのブース(D05)にてEd Templetonのサイン会も予定しています。
この時期、SFに滞在されている方は是非、SUPER LABOのブースにお立ち寄りください。 会場で皆様にお会いできるのを楽しみにしています。
June 1, 2024
NEW BOOK City Confessions #3 PARIS by Ed Templeton
SUPER LABO proud to announce the release of our new book City Confessions #3 PARIS by Ed Templeton.
Soft cover(hand-sewn/Mitsume-toji)
First edition
The book will be released on July 10.
The signed Photo-Card will be enclosed with the book for the customer who purchased at our online store by July 9.
Now available for pre-order at here.
新刊「City Confessions #3 PARIS」by Ed Templeton
スーパーラボはEd Templetonの新刊「City Confessions #3 PARIS」を発売します。
May 10, 2024
NEW BOOK Made in the USA by Bruce Gilden
SUPER LABO proud to annoubce the release of our new book Made in the USA by Bruce Gilden
Soft cover(hand-sewn/Mitsume-toji)
First edition of 800
The book will be released on June 10.
The signed Photo-Card will be enclosed with the book for the customer who purchased at our online store by June 9.
Now available for pre-order at here.
新刊「Made in the USA」by Bruce Gilden
スーパーラボはBruce Gildenの新刊「Made in the USA」を発売します。
April 16, 2024
NY Art Book Fair 2024
SUPER LABO will participate in NY Art Book Fair, which will be held from Thursday,April 25th in New York. Mark Cohen will be signing at SUPER LABO's booth (F13) during the fair. If you are in New York this time of year, please stop by SUPER LABO's booth. We look forward to seeing you at the show.
548 W 27th St, New York
Booth Number : F13
SUPER LABOはNYで4月25日(木)から開催されるNYABF(ニューヨークアートブクフェアに出展参加します。期間中はSUPER LABOのブース(F13)にてMark Cohenのサイン会も予定しています。
この時期、NYに滞在されている方は是非、SUPER LABOのブースにお立ち寄りください。
March 26, 2024
NEW BOOK Groundworks by Mark Cohen
SUPER LABO proud to annoubce the release of our new book Groundworks by Mark Cohen
"Most of the pictures in this book were made over the last ten years.
It is a catalog of the surface that is with more detail and subjectivity than the modern global view from space.”
Soft cover(hand sewn/mitsume-togi) First edition of 800
The book will be released on April 25.
Now available for pre-order at here.
新刊「Groundworks」by Mark Cohen
スーパーラボはMark Cohenの新刊「Groundworks」を発売します。
March 5, 2024
SUPER LABO proud to annoubce the release of our new book KAOHSIUNG STORY by Meisa Fujishiro
Kaohsiung is like Okinawa, but not like Tokyo.
Some people move from one place to another as if they were taking off their clothes from time to time.
Such people are essentially lonely. It is their nature, so there are no pros and cons. Loneliness is their essence, that's all.
And photography goes hand in hand with loneliness."
Soft cover(Thread stitching) First edition
The book will be released on March 29.
The signed Photo-Card will be enclosed with the book for the customer who purchased at our online store by March 29.
Now available for pre-order at here.
新刊「高雄物語」by 藤代冥砂
そういうある人々は、本質的に孤独だ。 本質なので、是非もない。孤独は彼らの本質で、それだけのことだ。
December 22, 2023
Year-End and New Year Business Hours
Thank you for always shopping at SUPER LABO.
Below are our year-end and New Year business hours for SUPER LABO STORE TOKYO and information regarding online store deliveries.
Address: 1-4-11 Kanda-Darugakucho Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Tel: 03-6882-4874
Business hours:
12 - 6pm(Wed.-Sun.)
Closed from December 29, 2023 till January 9, 2024
Deadline for orders to be shipped this year: December 28, 2023(Thu)
*Products for which orders have been completed by 23:59 on December 28,2023(Thu)
will be shipped this year.
Deliveries after the New Year will begin: January 5, 2024
*Orders placed after midnight on December 28, 2023 will be shipped sequentially on or after January 5, 2024
*Please note that during the year-end and New Year holidays, it may take longer than usual for orders to ship and arrive.Thank you for your understanding.*All inqiries during this period will be answered sequentially after January 10, 2024.
日頃より SUPER LABO をご愛顧いただき誠にありがとうございます。
SUPER LABO STORE TOKYOの年末年始の営業時間及びオンラインストア配送に関して下記の通りご案内いたします。
住所:東京都千代田区神田猿楽町 1-4-11
営業時間:12:00~18:00 (水~日)
2023年12月29日(金)- 店休〜
2024年1月10日(水) - 通常営業(12時~6時)
(2023年12月28日 23:59までにご注文を完了いただいた商品に関しては年内に発送させていただきます)
(2023年12月28日 24:00以降のご注文分は、2024年1月5日以降に順次発送いたします)
December 13, 2023
NEW BOOK Tokyo color_x by Herbie Yamaguchi
SUPER LABO proud to announce the release of our new book Tokyo color_x by Herbie Yamaguchi.
"The city is beautiful with its shining lights and people, but the world today is full of contradictions, and we are unable to seek even the smallest happiness.
I only hope that one day a beautiful rainbow of human harmony will appear in the sky over the world, straddling national borders.”
Hard cover
Limited edition of 1000
The book will be released on January 13.
The signed Photo-Card will be enclosed with the book for the customer who purchased at our online store by January 13.
Now available for pre-order at here.
新刊「Tokyo color_x」by ハービー・山口
スーパーラボはハービー・山口の新刊「Tokyo color_x」を発売します。
November 29, 2023
NEW BOOK omg.I’m being killed No.2 by Petra Collins
SUPER LABO proud to annoubce the release of our new book omg.I’m being killed No.2 by Petra Collins.
Petra Collins's second edition of OMG, I'm Being Killed. A dream publication by Collins, her ultimate fashion magazine - this edition plays with how we perform femininity and Collins's perverse interest in cult culture. It is filled with new works by her and her peers,featuring Mario Ayala and Moni Howarth. This edition's double cover stars
Holly Madison and Petra's fictional girl band.
Soft cover(thread stitching)
First edition
The book will be released on December 25.
The signed Photo-Card will be enclosed with the book for the customer who purchased at our online store by December 25.
Now available for pre-order at here.
新刊「omg. I’m being killed No.2」by Petra Collins
スーパーラボはペトラ・コリンズの新刊「omg.I’m being killed No.2」を発売します。
ペトラ・コリンズの『OMG, I'm Being Killed』第2弾。コリンズによる夢の出版物であり、彼女の究極のファッション・マガジンであるこの号は、私たちがいかに女性らしさを演じるか、そしてカルト・カルチャーに対するコリンズの倒錯的な興味と戯れている。マリオ・アヤラとモニ・ハワースをフィーチャーし、彼女と彼女の仲間たちの新作で埋め尽くされている。今号のダブル表紙は、ホリー・マディソンとペトラの架空のガールズバンド。
November 16, 2023
TABF(Tokyo Art Book Fair) 2023
SUPER LABO will participate in TABF (Tokyo Art Book Fair) at the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo from November 23 (Thur).
At the fair, you will be able to see all of our recent photo books.
We look forward to seeing you there!
12:00-20:00, Nov 23 (Thur)
11:00-19:00, Nov 24 (Fri) – 26 (Sun)
Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo
SUPER LABOは11月23日(木)から東京都現代美術館にて開催されるTABF(東京アートブックフェア)に出展参加します。
2023/11/24(金)- 26日(日)11:00-19:00
住所:〒135-0022 東京都江東区三好4-1-1
October 6, 2023
Polycopies 2023
SUPER LABO will participate in Polycopies whitch will be held from Wednesday, November 8th in Paris.
A number of book signing are scheduled at the SUPER LABO booth during the fair.
If you are in Paris this time of year,please stop by SUPER LABO booth. We look forward to seeing you at the boat.
Berges de Seine - Port de Solferino
Face au 23 quai Anatole France
75007 Paris
SUPER LABOはパリで11月8日(水)から開催されるPolycopiesに出展参加します。
期間中はSUPER LABOのブースにて多数のサイン会を予定しています。
この時期、パリに滞在されている方は是非、SUPER LABOのブースにお立ち寄りください。
October 6, 2023
NEW BOOK WHITE NOISE by Antoine d'Agata
SUPER LABO proud to annoubce the release of our new book WHITE NOISE by Antoine d'Agata
The acclaimed work of photographer Antoine d’Agata has mostly been a journey into the heart of darkness, dealing with random and nightly encounters, sex and prostitution. So it's no surprise that the monumental White Noise leads again to the underworld of sex workers, from Cambodia to Norway, from Ukraine to USA. Built around more than 20 monologues, this films delivers trance-like visions of women in rapture induced by sex or narcotics.
No voyeurism here as d’Agata’s frank aesthetics make us wonder about what we see and feel, and about the very nature of reality. These bodies and words seem to dissolve and imprint in our minds at the same time in apexes of beauty and pain. White Noise has to be watched with the words of the artist in mind: "there’s neither god nor forgiveness in the night, but rather accepting that only flesh is. Flesh is fullness. Death is a void.”
Hard cover
Limited edition of 1000
The book will be released on November 15.(Pre-sale in Paris on November 8)
Delivery of books ordered online will begin on November 15.
The signed Photo-Card will be enclosed with the book for the customer who purchased at our online store by November 15.
Now available for pre-order at here.
新刊「WHITE NOISE」by Antoine d'Agata
スーパーラボはアントワン・ダガタの新刊「WHITE NOISE」を発売します。
ダガタの率直な美学は、私たちが見ているもの、感じているもの、そして現実の本質について私たちに疑問を抱かせる。これらの身体と言葉は、美と苦痛の頂点において、同時に私たちの心に溶け込み、刻み込まれるようだ。『ホワイト・ノイズ』は、アーティストの言葉を念頭に置いて観る必要がある: 「夜には神も許しもく、肉しかないことを受け入れている。肉は充実。死は空虚である。」
11月15日発売 (11月8日パリ先行発売)。
事前予約にて購入されたお客様は、特典として写真集に作家サイン入りフォトカードを付けてお届けいたします。(ご予約期間 11月15日まで)
October 4, 2023
NEW BOOK The Urge of Living by Alberto Polo
SUPER LABO proud to annoubce the release of our new book The Urge of Living by Alberto Polo
The book is the result of ten years in the making, revisiting the archive and shaping an emotional body of work, far from being just a skateboarding book but more of a story about youth, friendship and passion for life.
Hard cover
Limited of 700
The book will be released on November 15.(Pre-sale in Paris on November 8)
Delivery of books ordered online will begin on November 15.
The signed Photo-Card will be enclosed with the book for the customer who purchased at our online store by November 15.
Now available for pre-order at here.
新刊「The Urge of Living」by Alberto Polo
スーパーラボはアルベルト・ポロの新刊「The Urge of Living」を発売します。
11月15日発売 (11月8日パリ先行発売)。
事前予約にて購入されたお客様は、特典として写真集に作家サイン入りフォトカードを付けてお届けいたします。(ご予約期間 11月15日まで)
August 4, 2023
LA Art Book Fair 2023
SUPER LABO will participate in LA Art Book Fair, which will be held from Thursday,August 10th in Los Angeles. Ed Templeton and Greg Hunt will be signing at SUPER LABO's booth (G1) during the fair. If you are in Los Angeles this time of year, please stop by SUPER LABO's booth. We look forward to seeing you at the show.
Geffen Contemprrary at MOCA
152 North Central Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90012 USA
Booth Number : G1
SUPER LABOはLAで8月10日(木)から開催されるLAABF(ロサンジェルスアートブクフェア)に出展参加します。期間中はSUPER LABOのブース(G1)にてEd TempletonとGreg Hunt のサイン会も予定しています。
この時期、LAに滞在されている方は是非、SUPER LABOのブース(G1)にお立ち寄りください。 会場で皆様にお会いできるのを楽しみにしています。
July 1, 2023
NEW BOOK BOA NOITE POVO by Cristina de Middel + Bruno Moraise
SUPER LABO proud to announce the release of our new book BOA NOITE POVO by Cristina de Middel + Bruno Moraise.
In "Boa Noite Povo," Cristina De Middel and Bruno Morais explore the relationship between culture and nature through the interactions between wild animals and human objects. These interactions serve as a metaphor for the broader socio-political landscape.
The project employs a combination of archival material, animal-directed actions, night photography, and artistic interventions to convey the intricacies of the current ecological and economic moment. The house is portrayed as a front line and a point of friction, representing the tension between human creations and the environment in which they exist.
The inclusion of a text by Brazilian philosopher Fabiano Lemos adds a critical perspective to the cohabitation, revealing the potential superficiality and hypocrisy in human-nature relationships when faced with political and economic power.
Hard cover
First edition
The book will be released on Aug 15.
The signed Photo-Card will be enclosed with the book for the customer who purchased before Aug 15.
Now available for pre-order at here.
新刊 「BOA NOITE POVO」by Cristina de Middel + Bruno Moraise
スーパーラボはクリスティーナ・デ・ミデル + アーティストのブルーノ・モライス の新刊「BOA NOITE POVO」を発売します。
『Boa Noite Povo』では、クリスティーナ・デ・ミデルとブルーノ・モライスは、野生動物と人間の物との相互作用を通して、文化と自然の関係を探求している。これらの相互作用は、より広範な社会政治的景観のメタファーとして機能する。
(ご予約受付期間 8月15日まで)
May 1, 2023
NEW BOOK Naked Rose by Ishiuchi Miyako
SUPER LABO proud to announce the release of our new book Naked Rose by Ishiuchi Miyako.
These photographs of roses were initially intended to illustrate a study book of rose perfume. Actually, however, my photographs of roses did not suit the purpose but rather became an autonomous photographic work. Instead of the analytical perspective towards the beauty and fragrance of the rose, they present the flower as a form of life and as a body that accepts the passage of time. These roses will be cut and thrown away to promote sprouting. Such a process fascinated me as a story characteristic of flora, and made me fall in love with roses again.
Hard cover
First edition
The book will be released on May 26.
The signed Photo-Card will be enclosed with the book for the customer who purchased before May 26.
Now available for pre-order at here.
新刊 「Naked Rose」by 石内 都
スーパーラボは石内 都の新刊「Naked Rose」を発売します。
(ご予約受付期間 5月26日まで)
April 12, 2023
NEW BOOK Everything I’m Trying Tell You by Greg Hunt
SUPER LABO proud to announce the release of our new book Everything I’m Trying To Tell You by Greg Hunt.
Initially conceived as a twenty-year color retrospective, Everything I’m Trying to Tell You materialized into a much more private body of work, largely shaped by a summer of complicated personal experiences.
Hard cover
Limited edition of 1000
The book will be released on April 25.
Now available for pre-order at here.
新刊 「Everything I’m Trying Tell You」by Greg Hunt
スーパーラボはGreg Hunt の新刊「Everything I’m Trying Tell You」を発売します。
当初は20年間のカラー回顧展として企画された「Everything I'm Trying to Tell You」は、よりプライベートな作品群に姿を変え、その大部分はひと夏の複雑な個人的体験によって形作られています。
December 26, 2022
NEW BOOK Glorious Days by Herbie Yamaguchi
SUPER LABO proud to announce the release of our new book Glorious Days by Herbie Yamaguchi.
Hard cover
First edition
The book will be released on February 11.
The 12 pages zine “hotei” specially made for the pre-order benefit will be enclosed with the book for the customer who purchased by February 10.
Now available for pre-order at here.
新刊 「Glorious Days」by ハービー・山口
スーパーラボ*ゴールド はハービー・山口の新刊「布袋寅泰 Glorious Days 」を発売します。
(ご予約受付期間 2月10日まで)
December 24, 2022
A New Medium to Visualize the Lives of Entertainers
SUPER LABO is pleased to announce the launch of a new label, SUPER LABO*GOLD.
Like musical expression and performing arts, photography is one means of expression as well as a medium to record what can be visualized.
The story woven by the entertainer's act of expression and the photograph brings to light the steps taken by the expressive artist, which were previously unseen. This is the visualization of a "way of life.
SUPER LABO*GOLD is a new photo book label that spotlights the "way of life" of entertainers.
SUPER LABOは新レーベル「SUPER LABO*GOLD」を立ち上げることとなりました。
「SUPER LABO*GOLD」はエンターテイナーの「生き様」にスポットライトを当てた新しい写真集のレーベルである。
November 8, 2022
NEW BOOK “Saiko-jan!” by Taisuke Yokoyama
SUPER LABO proud to announce the release of our new book Saiko-jan! by Taisuke Yokoyama.
I was so blessed, to have nature all around me, as though it was a given.
I grew up in a town with an ocean and when I started to surf, it allowed me to become
aware of many things, including of course, the splendor of the natural world.
The natural environment has changed rapidly over the decades that I’ve lived.
Witnessing this unfold before my eyes, I felt a desire to convey something to others.
I asked friends who share the same thoughts and surfers I have photographed in the past,
to express their feelings on “nature and surfing” in short sentences.
It would be really wonderful, if through their words you will become aware of something.
Hard cover
First edition
The book will be released early December 1.
The signed Photo-Card will be enclosed with the book for the customer who purchased before December 1.
Now abailable for pre-order at here.
新刊 「最高じゃん!」by 横山泰介
スーパーラボは横山泰介 の新刊「最高じゃん!」を発売します。
(ご予約受付期間 12月1日まで)
October 4 2022
NY Art Book Fair 2022
SUPER LABO will participate in NY Art Book Fair, which will be held from Thursday,October 13th in New York. Chad Moore and Marie Tomanova will be signing at SUPER LABO's booth (E46) during the fair. If you are in New York this time of year, please stop by SUPER LABO's booth. We look forward to seeing you at the show.
548 W 27th St, New York
Booth Number : E46
SUPER LABOはNYで10月13日(木)から開催されるNYABF(ニューヨークアートブクフェアに出展参加します。期間中はSUPER LABOのブース(E46)にてChad MooreとMarie Tomanovaのサイン会も予定しています。
この時期、NYに滞在されている方は是非、SUPER LABOのブース(E46)にお立ち寄りください。 会場で皆様にお会いできるのを楽しみにしています。
September 7 2022
NEW BOOK “Snatch out of time” by Tom Wood
SUPER LABO proud to announce the release of our new book Snatch out of time by Tom Wood.
Originally conceived in the same format and as a companion
volume to the Steidl publications Men and Women.
Tom Wood met up with artist and collaborator Padraig Timoney (then living in Naples) to finalise the Men and Women book layouts in 2011. As their work was finished, retiring to a nearby hostelry, Timoney presented Wood with a “surprise” - a dummy book he had put together, the same size as Men and Women but made up of outtakes from the Photie Man book they had worked on 10 years earlier. Wood was duly knocked out by the spreads, the playfulness of the whole enterprise. However due to time limitations it was left unpublished.
Now added to and re-edited to include more images and material from the past 10 years.
The earliest pictures in the book go back 1974.
Hard cover
First edition
The book will be released early October.
The signed Photo-Card will be enclosed with the book for the customer who purchased before October 12.
Now abailable for pre-order at here.
新刊 「Snatch out of time」by Tom Wood
スーパーラボはTom Wood の新刊「Snatch out of time」を発売します。
元々はSteidl社の出版物『Men and Women』の姉妹編として、同じフォーマットで企画されたものである。
2011年、トム・ウッドはアーティストで共同制作者でもあるパドレイグ・ティモニー(当時ナポリ在住)と会い、『Men and Women』のレイアウトを完成させた。仕事が終わり、近くの宿に戻ると、ティモニーはウッドに「サプライズ」をプレゼントしました。それは、『Men and Women』と同じサイズで、10年前に制作した『Photie Man』からの抜粋で構成されたダミー本だったのです。その見開きページと遊び心満載のこの本に、ウッドは大喜びでした。しかし、時間的な制約から未発表のままとなった。
(ご予約受付期間 10月12日まで)
August 20, 2022
NEW BOOK "It Was Once My Universe” by Marie Tomanova
SUPER LABO proud to announce the release of our new book It was Once My Universe by Marie Tomanova.
The photographs in It Was Once My Universe were created between December 16, 2018 and January 5, 2019 during Marie Tomanova’s first return home in over eight long years to her family farm in South Moravia, Czech Republic. It was not her choice to stay away from home for so long, but she could not return. And for her, it hurt to be away.
After graduating with an MFA in painting, Tomanova moved to the United States in 2011 and began to use photography as a means to work through her feelings of displacement living there. During this time in the United States, when things were difficult, she relived and idealized home in her mind, so when she actually went back to the Czech Republic in the winter of 2018, she was unprepared for the deep confusion and conflict she found in herself being home. During this time away, she felt she had become alien, and yet she still belonged. It was home, but so was New York City. John Berger writes, “To emigrate is always to dismantle the center of the world, and so to move into a lost, disoriented one of fragments.” It Was Once My Universe is about that. It is about contradictory feelings and disorientation. It is about home, family, memory, distance, and time.
Hard cover
First edition
Foreword by Lucy Sante
Text by Thomas Beachdel, Marie Tomanova
The book will be released on September 22.
The signed Photo-Card will be enclosed with the book for the customer who purchased before September 20.
Now abailable for pre-orderat here.
新刊 「It Was Once My Universe」 by Marie Tomanova
スーパーラボはMarie Tomanovaの新刊「It Was Once My Universe」を発売します。
『It Was Once My Universe』に収録された写真は、マリー・トマノヴァが8年以上ぶりにチェコの南モラヴィアにある実家の農場に帰省した際、2018年12月16日から2019年1月5日の間に制作されたものです。これほど長く故郷を離れていたのは、彼女の選択ではなかったが、戻ることはできませんでした。そして彼女にとって、離れていることは苦痛でした。絵画の修士号を取得後、2011年に渡米したトマノヴァは、現地で生活する中で感じた居場所のなさを解消する手段として、写真を使うようになった。この米国滞在中、困難な状況に陥ったとき、彼女は心の中で故郷を追体験し、理想化したため、2018年の冬に実際にチェコに戻ったとき、故郷にいる自分自身に深い混乱と葛藤を覚えることになったのです。この離れている間に、彼女は自分が異質な存在になったと感じ、それでも自分は所属しているのだと思ったのです。故郷でありながら、ニューヨークもそうだった。ジョン・バーガーは、"移住することは常に世界の中心を解体することであり、そうして失われた、断片的なものに移行することである"と書いています。 It Was Once My Universeは、そのことについての作品です。矛盾した感情や方向感覚の喪失についてです。そして家、家族、記憶、距離、時間についてです。
序文: Lucy Sante
テキスト: Thomas Beachdel, Marie Tomanova
(ご予約受付期間 9月20日まで)
July 1, 2022
NEW BOOK “James’ House” by Jacob Aue Sobol
SUPER LABO is proud to announce the releace of our new book James’ house by Jacob Aue Sobol.
James’ House is my second book in The Greenland Trilogy.
It’s about my love and admiration for an Inuit man and his continuous fight to provide for his family.The story takes place from 1999-2002 when I lived in Eastern Greenland trying to become a hunter and a fisherman while taking pictures of the life I shared with the people living there.James was my friend when I lived in Tiniteqilaaq. He taught me how to spot seals and use the tools of a hunter. He taught me when to speak and when to be silent. How to bepresent.For the years I was in Tiniteqilaaq, James’ House seemed like the center of the universe.It was a house full of laughter, crying and silence. A place of warmth and embrace.This book is a memory of the time and love I shared with James and his children.
Hard cover,
First edition
The book will be released on July 15.
The signed Photo-Card will be enclosed with the book for the customers who purchased before July 15.
Now available for pre-order at here.
新刊「James House」 by Jacob Aue Sobol
スーパーラボはJacob Aue Sobolの新刊「ジェームスの家」を発売します。
この本は、イヌイットの男性に対する私の愛と賞賛、そして家族を養うために戦い続ける彼の 姿を描いています。1999年から2002年にかけて、私は東部グリーンランドに滞在し、ハンターと 漁師になろうとしながら、そこに住む人々と分かち合う生活の写真を撮っていた時の話です。
ティニテキラークに住んでいたとき、ジェームズは私の友人でした。彼は私にアザラシの見分け方 やハンターの道具の使い方を教えてくれました。話すべきとき、黙っているべきときを教えてくれ ました。現在に至るまで。ティニテキラークにいた数年間、ジェームズの家はまるで世界の中心の ようだった。笑い、泣き、沈黙に満ちた家でした。温もりと抱擁のある場所。
(ご予約受付期間 7月15日まで)
May 12 , 2022
NEW BOOK “Anybody Anyway Slipcase edition” by Chad Moore
SUPER LABO is proud to announce the releace of our new book “Anybody Anyway Slipcase edition” by Chad Moore.
Limited edition of 100 + 5 APs
Housed bin a slipcase,Signed and numbered certificate is attatched
Published in 2022
Now available at here.
新刊「Anybody Anyway Slipcase edition」 by Chad Moore
スーパーラボはチャド・ムーアの新刊「Any Body Anyway スリップケースエディション」を発売します。
限定 100部 + 5APs
Published in 2022
March 24 , 2022
NEW BOOK “5 / Special Edition" by Herbie Yamaguchi.
SUPER LABO is proud to announce the release of our new book “5 / Special Edition” by Herbie Yamaguchi.
5 /Special Edition is a continuation of SUPER LABO's ongoing work with Harvey Yamaguchi since 2017.
All five books (That's PUNK, Layered, Days I Remember, The Blitz Kids, and TOKYO EYES) are housed in a specially produced slipcase.Each of the five books is signed by the artist.
Each slipcase is signed, numbered and inscribed by the artist himself. Edition of 30 copies, each numbered 1/30 - 30/30.
w22 x h23 x d 6cm
Limited edition of 30 copies
Published in 2022
Set of 5 signed photo books in slipcase
Signed by the artist and with a personal message on the slipcase
Sequential numbers 1/30 - 30/30
Now available at here.
新刊 「5 /スペシャルエディション」by ハービー・山口
スーパーラボはハービー・山口による新刊 「5 /スペシャルエディション」を発売します。
『5 /スペシャルエディション』はスーパーラボがハービー・山口と2017年より継続して取り組んだ 写真集プロジェクト全5冊(That’s PUNK,Layered,Days I Remember,The Blitz Kids,TOKYO EYES) を、 特別に制作されたスリップケースに納めたものです。5冊の写真集にはそれぞれ作家サイン入り。
エディションは限定30部、それぞれに 1/30 - 30/30 の通しナンバーが入っています。
w22 x h23 x d 6cm
Published in 2022
1/30 - 30/30 の通しナンバー
March 16 , 2022
NEW BOOK Anybody Anyway by Chad Moore.
SUPER LABO is proud to announce the release of our new book Anybody Anyway by Chad Moore.
Anybody Anyway is exploration of my pre and post covid world. It serves as a reflection of the things that are often taken for granted. Traveling, the crowd at a party, a human touch. During the pandemic and quarantine I was no longer able to make work about people, except for my flatmate, Sasha. This forced me to focus on an ongoing project about the night sky…I believe that the images of the sky can also be viewed, in a sense as a portrait. The result is a combination of unseen archival works, skyscapes, as well as post quarantine portraits celebrating the resilience of humanity.
Hard cover, 216 pages
First edition of 1000
The book will be released on end of March.
Customers who pre-order by March 31 will receive a Photo-Card signed by the artist.
Now available for pre-order at here.
新刊 「Anybody Anyway」by Chad Moore
スーパーラボはChad Mooreによる新刊 「Anybody Anyway」を発売します。
Anybody Anywayは、私のcovid 前と後の世界の探求である。旅行、パーティーでの人ごみ、人との触れ合いなど、しばしば当たり前だと思われていることへの反映として機能している。パンデミックと隔離の間、私は同居人のサーシャを除いて、人についての作品を作ることができなくなった。そのため、夜空に関する継続中のプロジェクトに集中せざるを得なかった。空のイメージは、ある意味、肖像画として見ることもできると思う。その結果、未公開のアーカイブ作品、スカイスケープ、そして人間の回復力を称える検疫後のポートレートが組み合わされたのである。
初版 1000部
(ご予約受付期間 3月31日まで)
March 15 , 2022
NEW BOOK “Tears in Rain #1 Paris, September 1999" by Benjamine Deberdt.
SUPER LABO is proud to announce the release of our new book
Tears in Rain #1 Paris, September 1999 by Benjamine Deberdt
featuring:Mark Gonzales, Aaron Rose, Susan Cianciolo
Tears in Rain is a series of books documenting moments of life channeled through one person, or a group united by a common goal. Developed specifically for Tokyo based publisher Super Labo, Tears in Rain follows a loose format according to each theme, character or moment documented, illustrating how Benjamin chose to capture it at the time, providing a details charged glimpse into long gone instants that may be remembered and cherished today, or just vanished in the endless stream of “content”.
Tears in Rain #1 tells partial story of a Mark Gonzales exhibition in Paris in the autumn of 1999. At the time, Mark was exploring more facets of his never-ending creativity with the first sculptural fabrication of his already beloved “Schmoo”.
That strangely human yet trait less character was finally attaining a third dimension, doing so without loosing any power of identification.
Soft cover, 48 pages
Limited edition of 800
The book will be released on early April.
Customers who pre-order by April 5 will receive a Photo-Card signed by the artist.
Now available for pre-order at here.
新刊「Tears in Rain #1 Paris, September 1999」 by バンジャマン・デュベール
スーパーラボはBenjamine Deberdtによる新刊「Tears in Rain #1 Paris, September 1999」を発売します。
フィーチャリング: マーク・ゴンザレス, アーロン・ローズ, スーザン・チャンチオロ
Tears in Rainは、一人の人間、または共通の目標で結ばれたグループを通して、人生の瞬間を記録したシリーズです。東京を拠点にする出版社スーパーラボのために特別に開発された「Tears in Rain」は、それぞれのテーマ、キャラクター、記録された瞬間に応じて、バンジャマンがその時にどう撮影したかを示す緩やかなフォーマットになっており、今日まで記憶されてきたかもしれない、あるいは無限のコンテンツの流れの中で消えてしまった、遠い瞬間の詳細を垣間見せてくれることだろう。
Tears in Rain #1は、1999年秋にパリで開催されたマーク・ゴンザレスの展覧会の様子を一部紹介しています。当時マークは、すでに愛されていた”シュムー”を初めて彫刻作品として制作し、彼の尽きることのない創造性の一面を探っていたところでした。この奇妙に人間的でありながら特徴のないキャラクターは、識別力を失うことなく、ついに三次元を獲得したのです。
並製(手綴じ), 48 pages
限定 800部
(ご予約受付期間 4月5日まで)
December 25, 2021
Year-End and New Year Business Hours
Thank you for always shopping at SUPER LABO.
Below are our year-end and New Year business hours for SUPER LABO STORE TOKYO and information regarding online store deliveries.
Address: 1-4-11 Kanda-Darugakucho Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Tel: 03-6882-4874
Business hours:
12 - 6pm (Wed. - Sun.)
Closed from December 27, 2021 till January 4, 2022
Deadline for orders to be shipped this year: December 27, 2021(Mon.)
*Products for which orders have been completed by 23:59 on December 27,2021(Mon.)
will be shipped this year.
Deliveries after the New Year will begin: January 5, 2022(Wed.)
*Orders placed after midnight on December 28, 2021 will be shipped in the order received starting January 5, 2022.
*Please note that during the year-end and New Year holidays, it may take longer than usual for orders to ship and arrive.
Thank you for your understanding.
*All inqiries during this period will be answered in the order received starting on January 5, 2022.
日頃より SUPER LABO をご愛顧いただき誠にありがとうございます。
SUPER LABO STORE TOKYOの年末年始の営業時間及びオンラインストア配送に関して下記の通りご案内いたします。
住所:東京都千代田区神田猿楽町 1-4-11
営業時間:12:00~18:00 (水~日)
2021年12月27日(月)- 店休〜
2022年1月5日(水) - 通常営業(12時~6時)
(2021年12月27日 23:59までにご注文を完了いただいた商品に関しては年内に発送させていただきます)
(2021年12月28日 00:00以降のご注文分は、2022年1月5日以降に順次発送いたします)
December 24, 2021
NEW BOOK "TOKYO EYES” by Herbie Yamaguchi.
SUPER LABO is proud to announce the release of our new book "TOKYO EYES” by Herbie Yamaguchi.
Until a few years ago, before the Covid-19 pandemic, I would have instantly stepped away from people walking towards me wearing black face masks because I thought they looked suspicious. Since wearing masks has now become an ordinary routine, those wearing black masks appear to me as stylish people who are fashionably coordinating their masks with their clothing. It is incredible how much our habit of wearing masks has changed perceptions. To me now, people wearing masks look as beautiful as never before because their eyes seem to shine all the more brightly, and with a strong willingness.
Soft cover(Hand sewn), 48 pages
Limited edition of 1000
The book will be released on Friday 14 January.
The signed Photo-Card will be enclosed with the book for the first 80 customers who purchased
Before Jan.17.
Now available for pre-order at here.
新刊 「TOKYO EYES」by ハービー・山口
スーパーラボは ハービー・山口による新刊 「TOKYO EYES」を発売します。
フォトカードを付けてお届けいたします。(ご予約受付期間 1月17日まで)
October 26 2021
SUPER LABO will participate in the POLYCOPIES PARIS #8 witch will be held at Bateau Concorde-Atlantique.
Nov.10(Wed) 3-10pm
Nov.11(Thu) 11am-9pm
Nov.12(Fri) 11am-9pm
Nov.13(Sat) 11am-9pm
Nov.13(Sun) 12am-7pm
Berges de Seine - Port de Solferino
Face au 23 quai Anatole France
75007 Paris
The boat is located between the Pont Royal and the footbridge
Solferino - L.S. Senghor.
スーパーラボは11月9日(水)からBateau Concorde-Atlantiqueにて開催される POLYCOPIESに出展参加します。皆様のご来場をお待ちしています。
Nov.10(Wed) 3-10pm
Nov.11(Thu) 11am-9pm
Nov.12(Fri) 11am-9pm
Nov.13(Sat) 11am-9pm
Nov.13(Sun) 12am-7pm
Berges de Seine - Port de Solferino
Face au 23 quai Anatole France
75007 Paris
October 13, 2021
NEW BOOK “ESCAPE” by Charles Johnstone and Heather Malesson
SUPER LABO is proud to announce the release of our new book "ESCAPEs” by Charles Johnstone & Heather Malesson
The artist duo create a world in which a fantasy-driven story of an upstate New York foray, plays out as an act between the two characters, in which the parables of invention and revelation of who is controlling the camera become the central dialogue. The use of expired, vintage Polaroid 600 film presents the images as anachronistic and seem to be from another time. It is a story in which the viewer is left to determine if the protagonist is the victim, the villain or the heroine - and who or what are they seeking to ESCAPE?
The book also features an essay by Matthias Harder, Director of the Helmut Newton Foundation and an afterward by Brad Feuerhelm, Director of American Suburb X.
Hard cover, 88 pages
Limited edition of 800
The book will be released in early November.
Now available for pre-order at here.
新刊 「ESCAPE」by Charles Johnstone and Heather Malesson
スーパーラボは Charles Johnstone & Heather Malesson による新刊 「ESCAPE」を発売します。
2人のアーティストはニューヨーク州北部を舞台に、二人芝居の一幕のようなファンタジー的物語世界を繰り広げている。カメラを支配しているのは2人のうちいったいどちらなのか、虚実入り混じる駆け引きが見どころになっている。使用期限の切れた古いポラロイド600フィルムが用いられているため、本書に収められた写真は古びた雰囲気を醸し出し、別の時代のイメージのようだ。主人公は被害者か、悪者か、それとも魅惑のヒロインだろうか? エスケープしたいのは誰なのか、何から逃れたいのか? その判断は、見る者に任されている。
September 23, 2021
NEW BOOK “memories people places” by Anders Petersen
SUPER LABO is proud to announce the release of our new book "memories people places” by Anders Petersen
Hard cover, 96 pages
Limited edition of 800
The book will be released in late October.
The signed Photo-card will be enclosed with the book for the first 80 customers who purchased before Oct.25.
Now available for pre-order at here.
新刊 「memories people places」by Anders Petersen
スーパーラボは Anders Petersen による新刊 「memories people places.」を発売します。
「memories people places」は、1965年に出版された「Ingen har sett allt.」に新たに未発表作品29点を加えた写真集で、ストックホルムにあるエンスケデ・スカルプネクス精神医療セクターで撮影されたシリーズである。アンデルス・ ぺーターセンにとっては刑務所で撮影した「Fangelse」(1984)、老人ホームを題材とした「Ragang till karleken」(1991)に続く三部作の掉尾を飾る作品となっている。三部作の共通点は一般社会から隔てられ、親族やごく親しい友人をのぞけば目にする機会がない世界であることだ。見えないために、私たちは限られた情報から心の中にイメージを育てている。それが偏見であることは言うまでもない。
「memories people places」はまぎれもなくぺーターセンが写真によってつくりだした世界だが、堅牢な壁に阻まれた閉ざされた世界ではない。私たちと同じように平凡な人々が病を抱えながらも、笑ったり、悲しんだり、空想したり、ふさぎこんだり、騒いだり、おどけたり、郷愁を感じたりする世界なのだ。
フォトカードを付けてお届けいたします。(ご予約受付期間 10月25日まで)
September 18, 2021
NEW BOOK “OSLO F” by Morten Andersen
SUPER LABO is proud to announce the release of our new book "OSLO F” by Morten Andersen
Oslo F. manifest the sensual impression of northern European cities; the modern, brutalist architecture softened by dusk light, a city suspended by the languor of days and nights elongated and defused. Hard people, austere buildings, harsh weather and heavy drinking, this is Oslo glazed in delicate twilight greys.
The title is inspired by the movies “Christiane F. vom Bahnhof Zoo” and “Døden på Oslo S.” (death at Oslo central station). What the F stands for is open, but it can be fiction, foto, fantasy, flowers, etc., or a fictional area of the city.
First edition of Oslo F. was sel-fpublished in 2005. 500 signed and numbered copies. All photographs taken in Oslo, Norway, 2003-2005.
Hard cover, 224 pages
Limited edition of 800
The book will be released in early October.
The signed Photo-card will be enclosed with the book for the first 80 customers who purchased before Oct.5.
Now available for pre-order at here.
新刊 「OSLO F」by Morten Andersen
スーパーラボは Morten Andersen による新刊 「OSLO F.」を発売します。
「Oslo F.」は、北欧の都市の官能的な印象を表現する - 薄暗い光にやさしく浮かぶブルータリズム様式のモダンな建築、気だるく長引く昼も夜も物憂げに佇む街。困難にある人々、いかめしい建造物、過酷な天候、酒量の多さ。これが繊細な薄暮の灰色に沈むオスロなのだ。
タイトルの“Oslo F.”は、二つの映画、「クリスチーネ・F ~麻薬と売春の日々~」と「オスロ中央駅の死」から考えた。「F」が何を意味するか、解釈は自由だ。フィクション(虚構)、フォトグラフ、ファンタジー、フラワー……あるいは、都市にある「虚構」区域かもしれない。
上製、 224ページ
(ご予約受付期間 10月5日まで)
August 5, 2021
NEW BOOK “LUNAR LIBRARY Petra Collins & some others” by Moni Haworth
SUPER LABO is proud to announce the release of our new book “LUNAR LIBRARY Petra Collins & some others” by Moni Haworth.
This book is years of work between the two artists. Most of which was created in secret and mainly as a form of play. With their audience being only themselves, Petra and Moni have created a ridiculous circus of characters and settings.
Soft Cover(Thread stitching) 72 pages
The book will be released on early September.
The signed Photo-card* will be enclosed with the book for the first 100 customers who purchased by pre-order.
*signed by Moni Haworth and Petra Collins.
Now available for pre-order at here.
新刊 「月の図書館」 Petra Collins & some others” by Moni Haworth
スーパーラボは Moni Haworth による新刊 「月の図書館 Petra Collins & some others」 を発売します。
並製(ミシン綴じ) 72ページ
予約販売にて購入された先着100名のお客様には、写真集にモニ・ハワースとペトラ・コリンズ 両名のサインが入った”フォトカード"を付けてお届けいたします。
August 3, 2021
NEW BOOK “COTTON” by Mark Cohen
SUPER LABO is proud to announce the release of our new book “COTTON” by Mark Cohen.
I drove eight days, in July,1991, from Atlanta, Georgia to Memphis, Tennessee along small roads, and stopped along the way. When I got to the cities, like Jackson or Birmingham, or Montgomery, I stopped at parking meters and walked around blocks.
My intention was not to make a book---only pictures.
After thirty years, and the exposure of extreme political incompetence with the recent past governments, I looked at this work again and thought it might be an accidental view of the South in three parts:
Black people, white people, and the infrastructure at the time. Cotton was, an early, fundamental, economic driver, with profit enhanced and insured by slaves.
COTTON is a picture book, but with a political and social backstory.
Hard cover, 80 pages
The book will be released on mid-August.
Now available for pre-order at here.
新刊 「COTTON」 by Mark Cohen
スーパーラボは Mark Cohen による新刊 「COTTON」 を発売します。
1991年7月、ジョージア州アトランタからテネシー州メンフィスまで、 ところどころ立ち寄りながら、8日をかけて細い道を運転した。ジャクソンやバーミンガムやモンゴメリーといった大きな街に着くと、 パーキングメーターを使って駐車し、何ブロックか歩き回った。本を作ろうという意図はなく、ただ写真を撮ろうと思っていた。
30年が経ち、近年の前政権が極端な政治的無能さを露呈したあとで この写真群を見返してみて、アメリカ南部の三つの側面をさりげなく 写し出していると思った−黒人、白人、そして当時のインフラ。
綿花の栽培は早くから経済を動かしてきた基幹産業であり、その収益を 拡大し保証していたのは奴隷たちだ。
上製、 80ページ
May 26, 2021
NEW BOOK “123 Polaroids” by No.223 Lin Zhipeng
SUPER LABO is proud to announce the release of our new book “123 Polaroids" by Lin Zhipeng aka.No.223.
123 Polaroids is not simply a selection of 123 images from 223’s extensive and fabulous collection of Polaroid work. 123 Polaroids conveys the intent and breadth of a poet, uniquely giving voice to the intercourse of 223’s intimate souvenirs, ignited sensations and 123 Polaroids.
@Luigi Clavareau - in)(between gallery
Hard cover, 120 pages
The book will be released on mid-June.
The signed Photo-card will be enclosed with the book for the first 50 customers who purchased by pre-order.
Now available for pre-order at here.
新刊 「123 Polaroids」 by 林志鵬(リン・チーペン) aka.編号223
「123 Polaroids」は、写真家No. 223ことリン・チーペンによる豊富で卓越したポラロイド写真群から選ばれた123点からなる写真集であるが、それだけではない。「123 Polaroid」が伝えるのは、ひとりの詩人の含意と豊かさが、自身の親密な記念写真や喚起された感覚に独自のやりかたで「声」を与えているさまである。
@Luigi Clavareau - in)(between gallery
上製、 120ページ
May 8, 2021
NEW BOOK “City Confessions #2 LONDON” by Ed Templeton
SUPER LABO is proud to announce the release of our new book “City Confessions #2 LONDON" by Ed Templeton.
The City Confessions series is a collaboration between photographer Ed Templeton and SUPER LABO.
The series will be released periodically and later be slipcased together as offered as a set.
Although the work is often documentary in nature, these books are not meant to be a comprehensive documentation of a city but rather a visual diary describing the rhythms of an urban center as Templeton wanders the streets making photographic notations on the social fabric, architecture, and details of interest.
“City Confessions #2 London is a mostly recent study on the city of London. Although some photos in this book go back over 20 years, the majority were taken over the past decade on numerous trips. “
Soft cover(Hand sewn),64 pages
The book will be released on end of May.
The signed Photo-card will be attatched to the book for the first 50 customers who purchased by pre-order.
Now available for pre-order at here.
新刊 「City Confessions #2 LONDON」 by Ed Templeton
スーパーラボは Ed Templetonによる新刊 「City Confessions #2 LONDON」 を発売します。
シティ・コンフェッションズ シリーズは、エド・テンプルトンとスーパーラボとのコラボレーション作品であり、 シリーズは定期的に刊行され、最終的には全巻をスリップケースに収めたセットとして発売される予定である。このシリーズは本質的にドキュメンタリー的ではあるが、いずれの巻も、その都市の網羅的な記録を目的としていない。むしろ、テンプルトンがストリートを散策しながら社会のしくみや建築、興味をもった小さな対象について、 写真で記述し、都会のリズムを描いた視覚的な日記になっている。
「『シティ・コンフェッションズ#2:ロンドン』は、ロンドンという都市についてのほぼ最近の スタディといえるだろう。何点かの写真は20年以上前に遡るが、大部分はこの10年間に何度も訪れて撮ったものだ。」
並製(手綴じ)、 64ページ
April 1, 2021
NEW BOOK “Denied” by Ari Marcopoulos
SUPER LABO is proud to announce the release of our new book "Denied” by Ari Marcopoulos.
A diaristic record of work, travel, and artistic collaboration, the book, like all of Marcopoulos’s work, bears witness to the present moment we are currently living through and its inescapable relationship to other time and places.
Soft cover(Hand sewn),64 pages
Limited edition of 800
The book will be released on April 23.
The signed card will be attatched to the book for the first 50 customers who purchased by pre-order.
Now available for pre-order at here.
SUPER LABO 新刊 「Denied」 by Ari Marcopoulos
スーパーラボはAri Marcopoulosによる新刊 「Denied」 を発売します。
並製(手綴じ)、 64ページ
April 1, 2021
NEW BOOK “Hello Darkness” by Katsuo Hanzawa
SUPER LABO is proud to announce the release of our new book "Hello Darkness” by Katsuo Hanzawa.
My first encounter with Halloween came suddenly.
A group of monsters who ran by right in front of my eyes as I was walking Shibuya Center Street on my way home at dawn.I hastily pointed my camera towards them but it was too late.The next year, I headed to the Center Street once again.The place was enveloped in a strange atmosphere, unlike the usual Shibuya.A strange phenomenon in the history of the island nation of Japan that has spread since a new culture came in.Onlookers full of curiosity kept increasing year by year, eventually reaching a peak and going over the limit only to disappear completely with the coronavirus pandemic.
Soft cover(thered stitching)
64 pages + 8 pages
The signed copy will be delivered for the customer who purchased before March 18.
Now available for pre-order at here.
新刊 「ハローダークネス」 by 半沢克夫
スーパーラボは半沢克夫による新刊 「ハローダークネス」 を発売します。
慌ててカメラを向けたが間に合わなかった。翌年、再びセンター街へ向かった。そこにはいつもの渋谷とは違い、 異様な空気に包まれていた。新しい文化が日本に入ってきた時に起こってきた島国日本の歴史的珍事。
並製(ミシン綴じ) 64ページ + 別帳8ページ
(ご予約受付期間 3月18日まで)
February 27, 2021
NEW BOOK “The Blitz Kids” by Herbie Yamaguchi
SUPER LABO is proud to announce the release of our new book "The Blitz Kids” by Herbie Yamaguchi.
It was London around 1980. Punk rock was on a slow decline, gradually being replaced by the emerging New Romantic movement and its young advocators. They adored David Bowie, exercised as much ingenuity as possible in costumes and makeup, and gathered at the Blitz club in Covent Garden every Thursday night. The press eventually came to call them the “Blitz Kids”
Soft cover(Hand sewn), 48 pages
Limited edition of 1000
The book will be released on January 23.
The signed copy will be delivered for the customer who purchased before January 22.
Now available for pre-order at here.
新刊 “The Blitz Kids” by ハービー・山口
スーパーラボは ハービー・山口による新刊 「The Blitz Kids」 を発売します。
1980年前後のロンドンだった。パンクロックが徐々に影をひそめ、とって代わるように現れたのがニューロマンティックスというムーブメントを掲げた若者たちだった。彼らはデビット・ボーイを敬愛し、衣装やメイクに可能な限りの工夫を凝らし、毎週木曜日の夜に、コベントガーデンにあったクラブ、ブリッツに集まって来た。その彼らをいつしかメディアはBLITZ KIDS(ブリッツキッズ)と呼ぶようになった。
並製(手綴じ)、 48ページ
(ご予約受付期間 1月22日まで)
December 19, 2020
New Year holidays
SUPER LABO STORE TOKYO will be closed for the NewYear’s holiday from December 28 to January 5.
2020年12月28日(月) -2021年1月5日(火)
October 13, 2020
NEW BOOK “Ninety-Six Dreams, Two Thousand Memories/++ edition”” by Greg Hunt
SUPER LABO is proud to announce the release of our new book “Ninety-Six Dreams, Two Thousand Memories/++ edition” by Greg Hunt.
This ++edition comes with custom-made slipcase which contains 2 signed prints,1 post card and 1 sticker.
Also a signed and numbered certificate is attached to the book.Only 200 copies are available.
176 pages+12 pages
Hard cover with slipcase
Limited edition of 200
The book contains signed and numbered certificate,2 signed photographs,
1 post card and 1 sticker
The book will be launched on Dec.4 at SUPER LABO STORE TOKYO.
We accept overseas pre-order from Oct.16 at here.
新刊 「Ninety-Six Dreams, Two Thousand Memories/++edition」 by Greg Hunt
スーパーラボはグレッグ・ハントによる新刊 「Ninety-Six Dreams, Two Thousand Memories/++edition」 を発売します。
写真集には通常版とは異なるデザインの表紙が用いられており、サイン・エディションナンバー入りのサーティフィケートが添付されています。又、特製のスリップケースには写真集に加え、オリジナル写真作品(裏面に作家 サイン入り) 2点、ポストカード1点、ステッカー1点が収められています。
176ページ + 冊子12ページ
写真作品(サイン入り) 2点、ポストカード 1点、ステッカー 1点を含む
October 12, 2020
NEW BOOK “Ninety-Six Dreams, Two Thousand Memories” by Greg Hunt
SUPER LABO is proud to announce the release of our new book “Ninety-Six Dreams, Two Thousand Memories” by Greg Hunt.
Documented over a seventeen-year period by filmmaker/photographer Greg Hunt, Ninety-Six Dreams, Two Thousand Memories is a in-depth visual study of iconic skateboarder Jason Dill. Beginning at the height of Dill’s pro career, the book follows his world travels, his life at home, and the period of rebuilding after his nearly dying from drug & alcohol abuse. The book weaves photos with motion picture stills and ephemera, as well as additional pictures and drawings by Dill himself. It is the first full-length published work by Hunt.
Hard cover with dust jacket
176 pages+12 pages
Limited edition of 1000
The book will be launched on Nov.25.
We accept overseas pre-order from Oct.16 at here.
新刊 「Ninety-Six Dreams, Two Thousand Memories」 by Greg Hunt
スーパーラボはグレッグ・ハントによる新刊 「Ninety-Six Dreams, Two Thousand Memories」を発売します。
この写真集はグレッグ・ハント自らが、2018年にParadigmよりリリースされた同名の写真集の判型、表紙デザイン、 コンテンツ、テキストを見直し、新たにSUPER LABOのためにリメイクしたもの。
「映像作家・写真家のグレッグ・ハントにより17年以上にわたりドキュメントされた『Ninety-Six Dreams, Two Thousand Memories」はアイコニックなスケーター、ジェイソン・ディルを深く見つめるドキュメンタリー作品。今作はプロスケーターとしてのキャリア最盛期のディルに始まり、旅、日々の暮らし、ドラッグ・アルコール依存からの再生までが記録される。動画のスチル写真や、ディルから受け取った手紙に加え、ディルによるドローイングや写真なども合わせて編纂される本作は、グレッグにとって初の長編写真集である。」
176ページ + 冊子12ページ
限定 1000部
11月25日(水)発売 (11月20日 ビームスT 原宿店 にて国内先行発売)。
October 1, 2020
NEW BOOK “Yesterday’s Sandwich II / Slipcase edition” by Boris Mikhailov
SUPER LABO is proud to announce the release of “Yesterday’s Sandwich II / Slipcase edition by Boris Mikhailov.
Hard cover clothbound、 104 pages
Limited edition of 100 + 10APs
Comes in a slipcase, Signed and Numbered certificate is attached.
*Sold exclusively at SUPER LABO online store and SUPER LABO STORE TOKYO
On sale today
Now available at here.
新刊 「Yesterday’s Sandwich II / Slipcase edition」by Boris Mikhailov
スーパーラボはボリス・ミハイロフによる 「Yesterday’s Sandwich II / Slipcase edition」 を発売します。
上製(布製)、 104ページ
限定 100部 + 10APs
September 20, 2020
NEW BOOK “WOW” by Mario Testino
SUPER LABO is proud to announce the release of our new book “WOW” by Mario Testino.
This book is about people I’ve encountered that have forced me to stop and look. They are all different, but what I saw made me want to celebrate their unique individuality. Each photograph represents a door into a new world I was previously unaware of.
Soft cover(Hand sewn), 66 pages
Limited edition of 1000
The book will be launched on Oct.20.
Now available for pre-order at here.
新刊 「WOW」by Mario Testino
スーパーラボはマリオ・テスティーノによる新刊 「WOW」 を発売します。
並製(手綴じ)、 66ページ
限定 1000部
September 12, 2020
NEW BOOK “Things and seen” by Shingo Wakagi
SUPER LABO is proud to announce the release of our new book “Things and seen” by Shingo Wakagi.
There may be more than one way of “photographing” while traveling. Encountering something unknown and something uncontrollably attracted to. Might have even forgotten you had taken a photograph of it. However, photographing outside of our daily life is an action trying to overlap, even if for a moment, between you and the “item” passing by in front of you. In “things & seen,” even if one is not in the photo, or better yet, because one is not in the photo, you are able to see the man himself is thrown light on by the items.
Soft cover(Hand sewn), 40 pages
Limited edition of 800
The book will be launched on Oct 30.
The signed C-print will be attached with the book for the first 200 customers who purchased before Oct. 29.
Now available for pre-order at here.
新刊 「Things and seen」 by 若木信吾
スーパーラボは若木信吾による新刊 「Things and seem」 を発売します。
旅先で「撮影する」という行為にもいろいろあるだろう。未知なるものとの出会い、抑え難く惹きつけられる物、あとになってみると撮影したことさえ忘れている事もあるかもしれない。しかし、日常から外れた時間のなかでの撮影は、目の前を過ぎていく事物と自分との間に(それが一瞬であっても)重なりを持とうとする行為なのではないかと思う。たとえそこに自身の姿が映っていなくても、いや映っていないからこそ、「Things and seen」には物に照射された、彼自身が見えてくる。
限定 800部
10月30日発売。本日より予約受付を開始します。先着200名にはサイン入りオリジナルプリント 1点を写真集に付いけてお届けします。(予約受付期間 10月29日まで)
July 8, 2020
NEW BOOK “Fujisaki” by Bishin Jumonji
SUPER LABO is proud to announce the release of our new book “Fujisaki” by Bishin Jumonji.
I took the photographs in this book “Fujisaki" during the period from the late 1960s to the early 1970s, when I had not yet become a professional photographer. This was practically my first work.
Back then, I had no idea which direction to head for the future. Nevertheless, I was somewhat big-headed and full of baseless confidence. I did not know where my self-confidence came from but, honestly, I just wanted to do something different from what others did and otherwise I would not care; that was all.
Fujisaki's wildly laughing face seemed to be proof of my excitement.
His voice heard through my viewfinder was my own shouting, and my act of photographing him felt like I was observing myself back then.
Hard cover、 72 pages
Limited edition of 700
The book will be launched on Aug. 28.
The signed book will be delivered for the customer who purchased before Aug.28..
Now available for pre-order at here.
新刊 「藤崎」 by 十文字美信
上製、 72ページ
限定 700部
(予約受付期間 8月27日まで)
June 11, 2020
SUPER LABO is pleased to announce the release of our new label SUPER LABO++.
SUPER LABO++ is a new art format which will be located between “artwork” and “mass-produced products”.
It's a “Shutsupan Sakuhin"(printed art) produced by innovative design and craftsmanship witch deliver only limited numbers. The first title is Daido Moriyama’s “Okinawa s49" SUPER LABO++ edition(the delivery starts from June 23).
Okinawa s49 / SUPER LABO++ by Daido Moriyama
Signed and numbered on front cover
Limited edition of 100
Now available for pre-order at here.
スーパーラボからユニークなコンセプトの新レーベル「SUPER LABO++(スーパーラボ ダブルプラス」が登場します。
SUPER LABO ++ はスーパーラボが提唱する、「量産品」と「作品」との狭間に位置する、新しいアートフォーマット。
革新的なデザインと職人技によって限定数のみ生み出される「出版作品」をアート、ファッション、カルチャーをこよなく愛する皆様にお届けします。第一弾は森山大道「沖縄 s49」(6月23日発売)
森山大道「沖縄 s49」 / SUPER LABO++
限定 100部
May 30, 2020
NEW BOOK “Okinawa s49” by Daido Moriyama
SUPER LABO is proud to announce the release of our new book “Okinawa s49” by Daido Moriyama.
1974 was the first year that I went to Okinawa and it was exactly a one week stay. Most of the photos in this book are those I took during that trip.
Soft cover(hand sewn), 36 pages
Limited edition of 700
Now available for pre-order at here.
新刊 「沖縄 s49」 by 森山大道
スーパーラボは森山大道による新刊 「沖縄 s49」 を発売します。
並製(手綴じ)、 36ページ
限定 700部
February 22, 2020
NEW BOOK “STAR WARS T-SHIRTS” by Richard Renaldi
SUPER LABO is proud to announce the release of our new book "STAR WARS T-SHIRTS” by Richard Renaldi.
Soft cover(Hand sewn), 40 pages
Limited edition of 800
Now available for pre-order at here.
新刊 「STAR WARS T-SHIRTS」 by Richard Renaldi
スーパーラボは Richard Renaldiによる新刊「STAR WARS T-SHIRTS 」を発売します。
並製(手綴じ)、 40ページ
限定 800部
July 8, 2020
NEW BOOK “Days I Remember” by Herbie Yamaguchi
SUPER LABO is proud to announce the release of our new book “Days I Remember” by Herbie Yamaguchi.
Soft cover(Hand sewn), 48 pages
Limited edition of 1000
The book will be launched on Aug. 28.
The signed book will be delivered for the customer who purchased before Jan.19.
Now available for pre-order at here.
新刊 「Days I Remember」 by ハービー・山口
スーパーラボは ハービー・山口による新刊 「Days I Remember」 を発売します。
(予約受付期間 1月19日まで)
January 7, 2020
NEW BOOK “With And Without You 2nd edition” by Jacob Aue Sobol
SUPER LABO is proud to announce the release of our new book "Withh And Without You 2nd edition” by Jacob Aue Sobol.
Hardcover, 224 pages
Second edition
Now available for pre-order at here.
新刊 「With And Without You 2nd edition」by Jacob Aue
スーパーラボは Jacob Aue Soboによる新刊「Withh And Without You 2nd edition」を発売します。
「With and Without You」は20年前に事故で亡くなった父への贈り物として、20年間に生み出した全ての作品の中から厳選されたイメージを収めたもの。
上製(一部布装), 224ページ
January 1, 2020
NewYear’s Talk show+Party "SUPER LABO Chot Chat"
Please join us on Sunday, January 5th,from 12-4pm for a Talk show + Party to celebrate new year with 15 photographers.
Events will be charged 1000yen & open one and all. Libations provided.
1-4-11 Kanda-Sarugaucho Chiyoda-ku Tokyo
NewYear’s Talk show+Party「スーパーラボ チョットChat」
SUPER LABO STORE TOKYOでは新たな年のスタートを写真・アート・カルチャーをこよなく愛するゲストの皆様と共にお祝いするイベントNewYear’s Talk show+Party「SUPER LABO チョットChat」を開催します。
日時 : 1月5日(日) 12-4pm
東京都千代田区神田猿楽町1-4-11 神保町A5出口より徒歩5分
参加費 : 1.000円(ドリンク、福引付き)
参加条件 : 予約不要。どなたでも参加いただけます。
当日、受付にて参加券 1.000円(税抜)をお買い求めください。
October 1, 2019
NEW BOOK “Yesterday’s Sandwich II” by Boris Mikhailov
SUPER LABO is proud to announce the release of “Yesterday’s Sandwich II" by Boris Mikhailov.
Hard cover clothbound、 104 pages
Limited edition of 1000
Comes in a slipcase, Signed and Numbered certificate is attached.
*Sold exclusively at SUPER LABO online store and SUPER LABO STORE TOKYO
On sale today
Now available at here.
新刊 「Yesterday’s Sandwich II」by Boris Mikhailov
スーパーラボはボリス・ミハイロフによる 「Yesterday’s Sandwich II / Slipcase edition」 を発売します。
上製(布製)、 104ページ
限定 1000部
11月7日、「Offprint Paris」スーパーラボのブースにて先行発売。
October 20, 2019
Offprint Paris
SUPER LABO will participate in the Offprint Paris witch will be held at École des beaux-arts.
Nov.7(Thu) 5-9pm
Nov.8(Fri) 1-9pm
Nov.9(Sat) 11am-7pm
Nov.10(Sun) 11am-6pm
École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts de Paris
14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris, France
Offprint Paris
Offprint Parisに出展参加します。皆様のご来場をお待ちしています。
11月7日(木) 5-9pm
11月8日(金) 1-9pm
11月9日(土) 11am-7pm
11月10日(日) 11am-6pm
会場 : École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts de Paris
14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris, France
September 10, 2019
NEW BOOK “Death by Selfie” by Martin Par
SUPER LABO is proud to announce the release of the new book “Death by Selfie" by Martin Parr
Here is an unproven statistic: India is the world leader for selfie taking. The only potential competitor would be China , with a similarly large population, but if you refer to the ‘Death by Selfie‘ statistics, India is so far ahead, there is no real competition. It is probably wise to assume that if more people are killed by a phenomenon, then more of this activity must be taking place. In my quest to photograph the huge business of tourism, the introduction of the smart phone and subsequently the selfie stick have changed the ritual of a tourist visit in a dramatic fashion. I could not ignore this phenomenon and is celebrated in this small collection of images, where most are taken in India, and few other locations thrown in for good measure.
Hard cover, 72 pages
Now available for pre-order at here.
新刊 「Death by Selfie」 by Martin Par
スーパーラボは Martin Parr による新刊「Death by Selfie」を発売します。
上製、 60ページ
August 29, 2019
NEW BOOK “OMG! I’m being killed” by Petra Collins
SUPER LABO is proud to announce the release of the new book “OMG! I’m being killed” by Petra Collins.
In a world where filters give us solace, OMG IM BEING KILLED, is the baby that was birthed in response to 2019. This book is Petra’s ultimate fashion magazine - one that she feels is a good representation of the truth about the age we live in. Filled with unpublished editorials and new works this book offers horrendously satisfying images.
Soft cover (Thread stitching), 72 pages
The book will be launched on Sep.19 at NYABF
The book signing will be scheduled on Friday,Sep.20 2-3pm at SUPER LABO table at MoMA PS1
Now available for pre-order at here.
新刊 「OMG! I’m being killed」by Petra Collins
スーパーラボはPetra Collinsによる新刊 「OMG! I’m being killed」 を発売します。
並製、 80ページ
9月19日, New York Art Book Fairにて先行発売予定。
また、9月20日(金) 2-3pm、スーパーラボのブース(Z01)にてサイン会を開催します。
May 26, 2019
SUPER LABO will participate in the NY ART BOOK FAIR.
Booth Z01
Nov.7(Thu) 5-9pm
Nov.8(Fri) 1-9pm
Nov.9(Sat) 11am-7pm
Nov.10(Sun) 11am-6pm
Moma PS1
22-25 Jackson Avenue on 46th Avenue
Long Island City,NY
スーパーラボは9月19日からMoMA PS1にて開催されるNEW YORK ART BOOK FAIRに出展参加します。
9月19日(木) 6-9pm
9月20日(金) 1-7pm
9月21日(土) 11am-9pm
9月22日(日) 11am-7pm
会場 : MoMA PS1
22-25 Jackson Avenue on 46th Avenue
Long Island City,NY
ブース Z01
May 26, 2019
NEW BOOK “Yesterday” by Dianna Templeton
SUPER LABO is proud to announce the release of the new book "Yesterday” by Deanna Templeton.
“Yesterday" is a project specifically conceived for Super Labo by Deanna Templeton.Yesterday is a personal document, a visual slice of her Southern California life and the details where she finds beauty and inspiration.
Soft cover(Thread stitching), 44 pages
Limited edition of 800
The book will be launched at SUPER LABO STORE TOKYO on Aug 2.
Now available for pre-order at here.
新刊 「Yesterday」by Dianna Templeton
スーパーラボは Deanna Templetonによる新刊「Yesterday」を発売します。
「Yesterday」はディアナ・テンプルトンの私的ドキュメンタリーであり、日々彼女が美を見出し、インスピレーションを得ている カリフォルニア州南部での日常を切り取って見せてくれる。
限定 800部
8月2日、SUPER LABO STORE TOKYOにて先行発売。当日はサイン会も予定されています。
July 10, 2019
NEW BOOK “City Confessions #1 TOKYO” by Ed Templeton
SUPER LABO is proud to announce the release of the new book “City Confessions #1 TOKYO” by Ed Templeton.
"City Confessions #1 Tokyo" is the first book in the City Confessions series. City Confessions will be an ongoing series of books that will be later slipcased together as a set. Each volume will be a selection of photographs from a city that I have spent significant time working in and exploring.”
Soft cover(hand-sewn)、56 pages
First edition of 1000
The book will be launched at SUPER LABO STORE TOKYO on Aug 2,
Opening reception and the book signing will be scheduled.
Now available for pre-order at here.
新刊 「City confessions #1 TOKYO」 by Ed Templeton
スーパーラボはEd Templetonによる新刊「City Confessions #1 TOKYO」を発売します。
「CITY CONFESSIONS #1 TOKYO」は CITY CONFESSIONSシリーズの最初の写真集である。このシリーズは継続中で、いずれスリップケース入りのセットになる予定だ。各刊は、まとまった期間、滞在し撮影したり探索したりした都市別の写真集になる。
初版 1000部
8月2日、Super Labo STORE TOKYOにて先行発売予定。
June 29, 2019
SUPER LABO will participate in theTOKYO ART BOOK FAIR 2019.
Jul.12(Fri) Opening Reception 3-9pm
Jul.13(Sat) 11am-7pm
Jul.14(Sun) 11am-7pm
Jul.15(Mon) 11am-7pm
4-1-1 Miyoshi, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0022 Japan
7月12日(金) 3-9pm
7月13日(土) 11am-9pm
7月14日(日) 11am-7pm
7月15日(月) 11am-7pm
会場 : 東京都現代美術館
東京都江東区三好 4-1-1
June 3, 2019
NEW BOOK “2018” by Masahisa Hirayama
SUPER LABO is proud to announce the release of new book ”2018” by Masanao Hirayama.
I carry only the things I can put in the pocket. (iPhone,keys,wallet,handkerchief) because I don’t carry the bag.I see many things just walking.The images are selected from the archive which I shoot last year.(Tokyo,Ishigaki-island,Western America)
Soft cover、32 pages
Limited edition of 800
The book will be launched on June 28
Now available for pre-order at here.
新刊 「2018」 by 平山昌尚
上製、 60ページ
6月28日 全国一斉発売
本日より予約受付を開始します。予約販売にて購入された写真集は作家サイン入りにてお届けいたします。(ご予約受付期間 6月27日まで)
May 2, 2019
Offprint London
SUPER LABO will participate in the Offprint London.
May.17(Fri) 2-10pm
May.18(Sat) 11am-10pm
May.19(Sun) 11am-6pm
Tata Modern
Bankside,London SE1 9TG
Offprint London
スーパーラボは5月17日からテートモダンにて開催されるOffprint Londonに出展参加します。
5月17日(金) 2-10pm
5月18日(土) 11am-10pm
5月19日(日) 11am-6pm
会場 : Tata Modern, Bankside,London SE1 9TG
April 10, 2019
NEW BOOK “Akio Kutsu” by Daido Moriyama
SUPER LABO is proud to announce the release of the new book ”Akai Kutsu” by Daido Moriyama.
"From last summer, I happened to frequent Yokohama for some reason. I have had a good time in the city where I used to take many photographs when I was young after so many years’ absence. ”
Soft cover、40 pages
each volume is Limited edition of 800
The book will be launched at SUPER LABO STORE TOKYO on May 11.
Now available for pre-order at here.
新刊 「赤い靴」by 森山大道
各 限定800部
本日より予約受付を開始します。予約販売にて購入された写真集は作家サイン入りにてお届けいたします。(ご予約受付期間 5月11日まで)
April 2, 2019
SUPER LABO will participate in the
Apr.11(Thu) 6-9pm
Apr.12(Fri) 1-7pm
Apr.13(Sat) 11am-7pm
Apr.14(Sun) 11am-6pm
The Geffen Contemporary at MOCA
152 North Central Ave.
Los Angeles, CA90012
スーパーラボは4月11日からThe Geffen Contemporary at MOCAにて開催される
LA ART BOOK FAIRに出展参加します。皆様のご来場をお待ちしています。
4月11日(木) 6-9pm
4月12日(金) 1-7pm
4月13日(土) 11am-7pm
4月14日(日) 11am-6pm
会場 : The Geffen Contemporary at MOCA
152 North Central Ave.
Los Angeles, CA90012
May 26, 2019
NEW BOOK “Bread in Snow” by Mark Cohen
SUPER LABO is proud to announce the release of the new book ”Bread in Snow” by Mark Cohen.
This book shows a range of color images at the edges of a whole work.
Pictures that emerge from the basic half unconscious framing learned on the street.
Color added additional voice to pictures. I felt they gained energy, and accidental social, meaning as I walked through the city attracted by almost anything. Any eye contact was a factor.A wire, or a step.There is still no plan or theory about this work. It just developed and expanded for fifty years.
Hard cover、192 pages
The book will be Launched at AIPAD on April 3.
Now available for pre-order at here.
新刊 「Bread in Snow」by Mark Cohen
スーパーラボはMark Cohenによる新刊「Bread in Snow」を発売します。
4月3日 The Photography Show会場にて先行発売予定。
4月15日 全国一斉発売。