Sentimental Journey 2
Nobuyoshi Araki
¥13,000 JPY
Sentimental Journey Continued is a book of photographs self-published by Nobuyoshi Araki in 1971 in a limited edition of 1,000 copies. Printed on the cover and spine is "荒木経惟写真集2[Nobuyoshi Araki Photobook 2]" as it was his second self-published photography book excluding the rarely-seen, self-published Xerox Photo Albums from 1970. "沖縄[Okinawa]" is also on the cover in big letters but the book in fact only includes a few pictures of Okinawa.
If Araki’s photographs of his honeymoon are considered the beginning of Sentimental Journey, it can be said that the life of the newlywed couple that followed is indeed Sentimental Journey Continued.
Sentimental Journey 2 was first conceived when Araki handed me Sentimental Journey Continued in a bar in Shinjuku and proposed, "How about making a new book out of the images in this book?"
This was his answer to our proposition to participate in the series "SUPER LABO 32."
While we usually make photography books from photographs, this project involved making a book from another book- a genuine duplication. Araki himself entitled the book, "Sentimental Journey 2."
We were extremely thrilled that he appointed us to work with him on this endeavor and we knew the significance of the project we were entrusted with.
Although the overall format, number of pages, and budget of each volume is already designated for the series, we decided not to consider the restriction of budget only for Araki's volume to seek the best result within the given conditions.
Sentimental Journey is a special body of work, meaning a lot to us and to the entire history of Japanese photography.
Hideki Nakajima, the designer of the book, is one of only a few designers extremely familiar with Araki's work and one of the leading graphic designers in Japan. A task under various restrictions is generally difficult but may lead to an incredible result. Nakajima demonstrated this with ease.
The scanned and reproduced images, the sequence, the selection of paper and printing of this book are the fruit of Nakajima's thorough comprehension of the meaning and significance of Araki's photographs, not simply the result of a graphic design and layout process.
Araki's look of satisfaction when he saw the dummy of the book seemed to express this more than anything.
Sentimental Journey 2 is printed in a limited edition of 1,000 copies following Araki's style.
w21.6 x h28 cm
32 Pages
(double gatefold page included)
62 Images(b/w)
double gatefold cover.
Doubletone Offset /
Fullcolor Offset(cover)
Limited edition of 1000
Published in 2015
ISBN 978-4-905052-93-7
「続センチメンタルな旅 沖縄」は荒木経惟により、1971年に限定1000部でリリースされた私家版写真集である。この本は1970年に制作された幻の写真集「ゼロックス写真帖」を除くと荒木とって2冊目の私家版写真集であるため、表紙及び背には「荒木経惟写真集 2」と記されている。表紙には大きく「沖縄」の文字がレイアウトされているが、沖縄の写真は後半に少し出てくるだけであった。新婚旅行が「センチメンタルな旅」のスタートだとすれば、その後に続く新婚生活は当然「続センチメンタルな旅」となるのである。
「センチメンタルな旅 2 」は新宿のとあるバーで、荒木から、この「続センチメンタルな旅 沖縄」を手渡された時からスタートした。荒木からの提案はこうだ。「この本をバラして新たな本を作ってみたらどうか」。これはスーパーラボの新しい写真集シリーズ ”SUPER LABO 32” への参加依頼に対する荒木からの答えであった。
通常、写真集は作品や画像を元に製作されるものだが、今回は本から本を作るのである。これが正真正銘の複写 である。タイトルは荒木自ら「センチメンタルな旅 2」と命名した。我々は託された事の重大性を深刻に受け止めながらも任せてもらえた喜びに打ち震えた。
w21.6 x h28 cm
32 ページ (両観音ページ含む)
62 イメージ(白黒)
並製本 (手綴じ) 表紙は両観音仕様
白黒オフセット印刷(本文) / カラーオフセット印刷(表紙)
Published in 2015
ISBN 978-4-905052-93-7