(kharkov,former USSR,lives and works in Berlin)
Born in Kharkov , former USSR, on 25th August 1938.
Lives and works in Berlin and Kharkov.
- 2015
- Goslar Kiesering Prize
- 2012
- 2008
- Accepted to Deutsche Academy der Kunste,as a member of the Bildende Kunst section.
- 2003
- -General Satellite corporation art prize for a contribution to the development of the contemporary Russian art, Moscow ,Russia.
- 2002
- Gast-dozent at The Academy of Visual Art ,Leipzig
- 2001
- -Kraszna-Krausz Book Awards for the best books on the photography, London, England.
-The City-Bank Private Bank Photography Prize, London, England. - 2000
- -Visiting lecturer, Department of Visual and Environmental Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA
-”Le prix du Livre de Photographie des Recontres Internationales de la Photographie d’Arles 2000”, Arles, France
-The Hasselblad Foundation International Award in Photography, Goeteborg, Sweden - 1997
- -Albert Renger-Patzsch Award, A support for European Photographic book projects by the Dietrich Oppenberg Foundation,Museum Folkwang, Essen, Germany
-”Unfinished Dissertation” series won the price for the publish of the book - 1996
- (June)-1997 (July)
DAAD, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Grant, Berlin, Germany
-Coutts Contemporary Art Foundation Award, Zurich, Switzerland for the publish of two books:”By the Ground” and ”At Dusk”
SPECTRUM International Prize for Photography
Selected Solo exhibitions
MoMa New York
Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam,Nitherlands
Sprengel Museum Hannover, Germany
Kunsthalle Zurich, Swiss
Madre Museum, Napole,Italy
ICA Boston, USA.
FotoMuseum Winterthur, Swiss
Frans Halsmuseum, Haarlem,Dutch
Saatchi Gallery, London,England
Haus der Kulturen der Welt ,Berlin,Germany
Hasselblad Center, Goteborg,Sweden
The Photographers’Gallery, London,England
Centre de la Photography, Paris,France
NCCA, Moscow
Moscow Dom of Photography
Pinchuk Art Center, Kiew
Selected Group exhibition
Modern Art Museun,New York
Tate Modern,London,England
Victoria&Albert Museum ,London
Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt,Germany
52 Biennale Di Venezia,Ukraine Pavilion
Museum Ludwig,Koln,Germany
Metropolitan Museum,New York
Berlinishe Gallery ,Berlin ,Germany
Academie der Kunste,Berlin,Germany
Museum Martin Crorius -Bau,Berlin,Germany
The National Museum of Art Osaka
Museum Serralves,Porto,Portugal
"Manifesta 5",San -Sebastian,Spain
New National Gallery Berlin,Germany
Pinakothek der Moderne,Munchen,Germany
Barbican Center,London,England
25th Bienal de Sao Paulo,Brasil,(cat.)
"12th Biennale of Sydney",Sydney, Australia;(cat)
Selected bibliography
Books by the artist
"Maquette Braunschweig",Steidel,Guettingen,Germany
"Yesterday's Sandwich",Phaidon,London,England,ISBN0 -10:0714846368
"Susi and Others...",Buchhandlung Walter Konig ,Germany
"Crimean Snobbism",Hisako Motoo,Tokyo,Japan
"Look at Me I look at Water...",Steidel,Guettingen,Germany,ISBN 3-88243-968-8
"Boris Mikhailov,a retrospective",edited by Urs Stahel,Scalo,ISBN:3-908247-72-1
"Salt Lake"Boris Mikhailov,text by Friedrich Meschede,Steidel,Guettingen,Germany,
"55",Boris Mikhailov, text by Gilda Williams,Phaidon,London,ISBN 0 7148 4066 1
"Boris Mikhailov,Dance",The Hasselblad Award 2000,text by Boris Groys,Scalo-Hasselblad Center,ISBN3-908247-42-X
"Drucksache N.F.4,"Boris Mikhailov,Internationale Heiner Muller Gesellschaft e.V.,Berlin,ISBN 3-933807-21-2
"Case History", Scalo Zurich - Berlin- New York, 1999. ISBN 3-908247-09-8
"Unfinished Dissertation", text by Margarita Tupilsyn, Scalo Zьrich - Berlin - New York, 1998. ISBN 3-931141-97-7
"By the Ground",Oktagon,Stuttgart,1996,ISBN3-9227789-91-7
"At Dusk",Oktagon,Stuttgart,1996,ISBN3-927789-91-7
"Boris Mikhailov", ed. By Brigitte Kelle, Oktagon, Stuttgart, 1995.
ISBN 3-89611-001-2
ISBN 3-89611-001-2
"If I were a German",Verlag der Kunst Dresden,Basel,1995 ISBN 3-364-00352-1
Selected public collections
Metropolitan Museum of Art,New York,NY,USA
The Museum of Modern Art ,New York,NY,USA
Stedelijk Museum,Amsterdam,The Netherlands
Sprengel Museum ,Hannover,Germany
DG Bank,Frankfurt am Main,Germany
BMW Bank,Munchen,Germany
The Photographic Museum Helsinki,Finland
Kiasma Museum,Helsinki,Finland
Maison Europeenne de la Photographie,Paris,France
Portuguesse Centre for Photography
Museum of Contemporary Art,Zagreb ,Croatia
Saatchi Collection,London,England
Berlinische Galeria,Berlin,Germany
Museum Folkwang,Essen,Germany
Fotomuseum Winterthur,Switzerland
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art,CA,USA
Art Gallery of South Australia
Zimmerli Museum,New Jersey,NY,USA
Dom of the Photography,Photo Museum Moscow,Russia
NCCA Moscow,Russia
Tel Aviv Museum of Art,Israel
Cetro d'Arte Contemporanea,Castello di Rivara,Italy
Languedoc-Roussilen,Frag Montpilier,France
Frans Hals Museum,Haarlem,The Netherlands
Deutsche Boerse AG,Frankfurt
Fotomuseum im Munchner Stadtmuseum,Munchen,Germany
PinchukArt Center,Kiev,Ukraine
Pinakotek der Moderne Munchen,Germany
Contemporary Art Museum,,Moscow
Helga de Alvear Collection,Madrid,Spain
Ludwig Museum,Koln,Germany
Deutsche Bank Collection,Germany
Museum of Photography,Chicago,USA
ICA Boston,USA
ICA Chicago,USA
Musee d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris,France
National Museum of Art ,Ocaka,Japan
Toyota Municipal Museum of Art
Nationalgalerie in Hamburer Bahnhof,Berlin,Germany
Victoria&Albert Museum ,London,England
Tate Museum ,London,England