Harvey Benge
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The title of this bookwork – How Humans Made God – came from a lecture given by the controversial New Zealand theologian Sir Lloyd Geering at the Auckland Writers Festival in 2013.
Jeering presented his idea that man has invented God and in saying this he rejects the notion that God is a supernatural being who created and continues to look over the world. My book is not about how humans made God but simply a series of pictures that are open to interpretation and are united in their inability to actually explain anything. This work considers the oneness of things where in many respects everything and nothing is God. I am interested in not prioritizing one thing over another which occurs when disparate pictures are placed together in a photo book.
It is my hope therefore that this series of pictures will set a stage for the possibility of invention and lead to thoughts of what do we believe and why the world is the way it is.
w17.7 x h25 cm
76 Pages
66 Images(color)
Hard cover clothbound
Full color Offset
Limited edition of 500
Each contains a original C-print, signed and numbered by the artist on verso.
A choice between 5 different images. each of the 5 images is printed in an edition of 100.
Print size : 15 x 10 cm
Published in 2014
ISBN 978-4-905052-69-2
この本のタイトル「How Humans Made God」は 2013年のAuckland Writers Festivaでニュージーランドの議論好きな神学者Lloyd Geeringg卿が行った講義が基になっています。嘲りの中、提示された彼の考えは神は世界を見渡ために創造された超自然的存在であるという考えではなく、人間が神を生み出したというものでした。私の本はいかに神が人間を創りだしたかということに関してではなく、単純に解釈自由な一連の写真のシリーズですが、実際なにも説明することが出来ないということでは共通しています。
w17.7 x h25 cm
76 ページ
66 イメージ(カラー)
上製本 布装
プリントサイズ : 15 x 10 cm
Published in 2014
ISBN 978-4-905052-69-2