Otari - Pristine Peaks
Keiko Nomura
¥5,800 JPY
Otari-Pristine Peaks
Nestled among the peaks of Japan's Northern Alps, small enclaves such as Otari village punctuate the foothills with faint signs of activity. Here villagers live with the flow of the seasons in the fertile, yet unforgiving foothills. It’s been almost four years since my first visit to this mountain community, a place where snow can pile as high as 3 meters in winter. My initial motive for visiting was to research the traditional fire festival and hunting culture of this land.
However experiencing the nature of the mountains and the people settled within this environment left a sensational impression on me. Life in the village seemed to have an untainted and fundamental depth.
When I was standing in the heart of the deep surrounding forest I felt as if I was a tiny fragile object embraced in the bosom of something enormous. It was like a giant living and breathing essence with a will beyond human knowledge. Mountains bring about water and nurture all living things.
Life at the foot of these mountains is simply one of working together with family and friends generation after generation. Above sits the ever-changing peaks and sky. I spent a cycle of seasons in this village. My photographs were taken by instinct.
Keiko Nomura
w21 x h24 cm
96 pages
Full color offset
Limited edition of 1000
Published in 2018
ISBN 978-4-908512-28-5
Otari-Pristine Peaks 山霊の庭
信州、小谷村。北アルプスの山脈に抱かれたその麓には、小さな集落が点在し、その営みを今も静かに残している。村人は、厳しくも豊穣な山の自然とめぐる季節の流れ の中で、日々暮らしている。真冬には積雪が三メートル近くにもなる豪雪のこの地に、私が初めて訪れてから、四年近くが経った。当初、私はここの伝統的な火祭りや狩猟の取材のために訪れたのだが、山の自然とそこにたくましく根付いて生きる人々との出会いは、都市を頼り生きてきた私の想像をはるかに超える出来となっていった。
2018年 秋 野村恵子
w21 x h24 cm
96 ページ
Published in 2018
ISBN 978-4-908512-28-5