Self-Portraits 1987-2017
Antoine d’Agata
¥8,000 JPY
“The Unfolding. In his photos d’Agata is no longer d’Agata, but A, his double. Yet, who is the double of who? Who comes second and who comes first when it is unknown whether he photographs what he lives or lives to photograph, in order to stop photographing?
R. G.
The book "SELF-PORTRAITS - 1987-2017" by Antoine d’Agata reveals a journey of the man-photographer from the origins of his practice to the present day, and presents to us the monumental iconography of a body of work that has been developing slowly from a visual diary begun in Mexico in the 80s to the moving image and the writings of a few premeditated life scripts.
In what way is it possible to understand this living archive, this artistic, human and political gesture, this assumed, conscience and deliberate deviation, the last device for resistance in a world lived with rage and pain?
In what way does the body, the bond, the physical and human act of the artist and the invitation to sacrifice come across for over 25 years during the development of this body of work, which speaks to us about the experience of a reality that is absorbed each time more intensely, and at the same time more marginal?
Why in this vital process, in this presence in the world, has Antoine d’Agata, alongside his subjects, chosen to be the protagonist of his own images?
The book aims to bring to light some truths —fragile— and to deliver, without elusions, the experience of a life. The accumulation of images, the infinite repetition, underpins the views of a man that constantly expands the limits of his own existence and allows us to grasp the feelings, necessity and urgency of an imperative search, of which there a hardly any traces, fragments, small pieces drawn from reality. Just some “surviving images”.
Fannie Escoulen
Curator of the exhibition "CORPUS, SELF-PORTRAITS - 1987-2017" - PhotoEspaña 2017.
w18.9 x h25.2cm
240 Pages
235 Images(color)
Hardcover screen print(cover)
Screen print(cover) / Full color Offset
Limited edition of 1000
Published in 2017
ISBN 978-4-908512-10-0
だが、誰が誰の分身なのか? どちらが後で、
R. G
アントワーヌ・ダガタの写真集『SELF-PORTRAITS - 1987-2017』は、写真家としての彼の活動の最初期から現在に至る軌跡を辿るものであり、彼の一連の作品をめぐる記念碑的な図像集である。ダガタは、80年代にメキシコで視覚的な日記としての写真を開始し、その後それを徐々に発展させ、いまでは、「前もって計画された人生のシナリオ」に基づく動画や文章を続々と生み出している。
この生きたアーカイヴを、つまり、この芸術的、人間的、政治的な身振りをいったいどのように理解すればよいのか? 彼が熟慮のうえで意識的に引き受けるこの逸脱を、激しい怒りと痛みとともに生きられる世界における最後の抵抗の手立てを、どのように理解すればよいのか?
その身体や絆、芸術家としての彼の肉体的・人間的な行為、生贄への招待をどのように捉えるべきなのか? 25年以上の時を費やして発展を遂げてきた彼の一連の作品が私たちに語りかけてくるのは、ある現実の経験であり、その現実は、ますます激しさを増し、また同時にさらに周辺的なものになってきた。
Fannie Escoulen
Curator of the exhibition "CORPUS, SELF-PORTRAITS - 1987-2017" - PhotoEspaña 2017.
w18.9 x h25.2 cm
240 ページ
235 イメージ(カラー)
Hardcover screen print(cover)
スクリーン印刷(表紙) / フルカラーオフセット印刷(本文)
Published in 2017
ISBN 978-4-908512-10-0