Toshi no Zokei
Seiji Kurata
¥3,500 JPY
These photographs were taken during the years between 1998 and 2008 using six cameras made by four different manufacturers and films in four different formats.
"Zokei" [created landscape], the title of this book, is derived from "paysagement" a notion presented by a French geographer in his examination of the cityscapes of Tokyo and other megalopolises developing around the world since modern times.
The current situation in which there is no model for what "paysagement" should aim at seems suitable to our time at a turning point of entire civilization, not to mention technology.
Thus mimicry, imitation and pantomime are and will be prevalent in photography and manners of expression. As for the history of photography, when such dispositions that every modern man is supposed to have as individual personality, originality and identity are differentiated up until now, the superficialization and fragmentation of photographic modes suit the space-time representation of here and now.
Then the ultimate question will be if I can imitate the subject on the other side of the lens until I and the photographed are unified and sublated and vision can still be maintained. The viewers' honest feedback is most welcome.
w21.6 x h28 cm
32 Pages(includes sindle gatefold)
23 Images(b/w)
Softcover (hand-sewn)
Doubletone Offset
Limited edition of 750
(choice between 3 different front cover,each books are limited of 250 copies)
Published in 2015
ISBN 978-4-905052-86-9
写真史を眺めれば、近代人に備わるべきIndividual personality、OriginalityはてはIdentityまで差異化され続けて現在へ至る時、そのモードの表層化、断片化という作業は、「今」・「此所」の時空間表象にふさわしい。残る問いは、いかに精密に模倣して自己自身とレンズ向うの対象を同時一体化して止揚せしめ、なおもvisionを望見し得るかであろう。見者の厳しい眼差しを頂ければうれしい。
w21.6 x h28 cm
32 ページ(片観音含む)
22 イメージ(白黒)
並製本 (手綴じ)
Published in 2015
ISBN 978-4-905052-86-9