Deanna Templeton
¥4,000 JPY
Yesterday is a project specifically conceived for Super Labo by Deanna Templeton to convey a single though not specific day in her life, morning to night, as told through Polaroid photographs. From the intimate look at her private daily routine inside her household and garden, to the architecture, flora and fauna of Huntington Beach, and the people, both friends, family and strangers, that float in and out of her day. Yesterday is a personal document, a visual slice of her Southern California life and the details where she finds beauty and inspiration. -ed templeton
w20 x h22 cm
44 Pages
55 Images(color)
Soft cover
Full color Offset
Limited edition of 800
Published in 2019
ISBN 978-4-908512-87-2
“Yesterday”はディアナ・テンプルトンの私的ドキュメンタリーであり、日々彼女が美を見出し、インスピレーションを得ているカリフォルニア州南部での日常を切り取って見せてくれる。- エド・テンプルトン』
w20 x h22 cm
44 ページ
55 イメージ(color)
限定 800部
Published in 2019
ISBN 978-4-908512-87-2